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Kamis, 07 Juli 2011
Belajar u/ persiapan test TOEFL Yuks!!!
TOEFL adalah singkatan dari Test of English as a Foreign Language, merupakanbentuk tes khusus bahasa Inggris standar sebagai bahasa asing, yang ditujukan kepada mereka yang bukan native speaker.
Testing Points
Materi yang diujikan (testing points) di dalam TOEFL meliputi penguasaan the four language skills. Namun begitu, secara detil dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam tiga seksi (section) saja.
(1) Section 1: Listening Comprehension,
Part A: Short Conversations
1. Idiomatic Expressions
2. Verb
3. Vocabulary
4. Suggestion
5. Assumption
6. Prediction
7. Comparison
8. Tone and Voice
9. Predictions
10. Implication
11. Location
12. Calculation
13. Problem
Part B: Long Conversations
1. Restatement
2. Inference
3. Main Idea
4. Subject or the Actors
5. Location
Part C: Lectures or Talks
1. Topics and Main Idea
2. Restatement
3. Inference
(2) Section 2: Structure and Written Expression,
Part A: Sentence Completion
1. Noun and Verb Phrase or Clause
2. Adjective Phrase or Adjective Clause
3. Adverbial Phrase or Adverbial Clause
4. Word Order
5. Subject + Verb (Concord)
6. Conjunction
7. Parralel Construction
8. Comparison
9. Infinitive and Gerund
10. Preposition
11. Conditional Sentence
12. Pronoun
13. Inverted Construction or Reversed Sentence
14. Tense
15. Subjuntive
16. Causative
17. Negative Construction
Part B: Error Identification
1. Wrong Words
2. Verbs
3. Pronouns
4. Parallel Constructions
5. Singular or Plural Nouns
6. Mistaken Words
7. Unnecessary Words
8. Omitted Words
9. Prepositions
10. Reversed Words
11. Conjunctions
12. Infinitive - Gerunds
13. Comparative
14. Article
15. Superlative
(3) Section 3: Reading Comprehension.
Topic 1: Science
Topic 2: North American History, Government or Geoghraphy
Topic 3: Art and Literature, Biographies of Famous People
*1. Main Idea
2. Inference
3. Restatement
4. Vocabulary
5. Negative Questions
6. References
7. Author's Opinions
8. Organization
9. Preceding/Following Topics
10. Support
11. Analogy
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